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The Gold-Silver Ratio Explained

September 29, 2022

The gold-silver ratio is the relationship between the price of gold and silver, expressed as the number of ounces of silver required to equal the value of one ounce of gold. As of this writing, the ratio is 85.6:1. The ratio tends to be a reliable barometer for global economic, social, and political stability and, […]

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There’s Gold in That?

August 19, 2022

Gold is forged in the death of stars. It was sailing around in the gas and dust that created our sun and the planets of our solar system. Once just a theory, scientists finally observed evidence of its formation in August of 2017 when the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detected the remnant cores of […]

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Gold’s Relationship to the US Dollar

July 11, 2022

Gold has always held intrinsic value and, since ancient times, has been revered for its beauty, association with the divine, and as a representation of wealth and status. Gold coins were among the first currency in ancient times. Because gold’s value is universally accepted, its use as currency eventually became standardized. In 1816, Britain officially […]

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Gold Coins in Antiquity

May 20, 2022

Gold has captured people’s imagination since its discovery. In ancient times, it was believed to have been a dense melding of sunlight and water, a mystical creation associated with deities, beauty, and power. Gold can be found all over the world and, as such, it is valued by a vast array of cultures. Its physical […]

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Russian Sanctions and Precious Metals Markets: What’s the Strategy?

April 13, 2022

In March of 2022, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and the CME Group, Inc barred six Russian precious metal refiners from the London Good Delivery Lists for gold and silver. This move coincided with the US Treasury Department’s declaration that any transactions involving gold from Russia’s Central Bank are included in the full spectrum […]

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A Brief History of Gold Price ‘Spikes’

September 14, 2020

Since President Nixon’s abandonment of the Bretton Woods System in August of 1971 the price of gold in US Dollars has been allowed to fluctuate from its previously set price of $35.00 per troy ounce. Since 1971 there have been both extended periods of gold price stability as well as several instances of rapid price […]

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New Design For 2021 Silver & Gold Eagles

July 08, 2020

The United States Mint recently announced there will be new reverse designs for the popular Silver and Gold Eagle bullion coins in 2021. In 2021 both Silver and Gold Eagles will be celebrating their 35th anniversary which is one of the two oft stated reasons for the design change. The second and more likely reason […]

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Two Schools of Thought: COVID 19’s Impact on Gold

April 13, 2020

         The current global Coronavirus pandemic which is only now showing some evidence of winding down has already made an enormous negative impact on the U.S. and global economy. So-called experts are predicting future economic impacts ranging from a short-term recession to a lengthy world-wide depression. Most financial pundits agree that both the equities and […]

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What is “real” money?

November 21, 2019

Throughout recorded history, true money has been defined as a tangible item accepted for exchange and considered to have value. Diverse items ranging from tulip bulbs to seashells to weaponry have been considered money at some point in history. However, none of those items have stood the test of time. Neither have government issued fiat […]

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An Introduction to Buying Silver 101

September 10, 2019

This article is a follow-up to our last blog which discussed the merits of owning physical gold. Both novices and long-time investors stand to benefit from a review of the basics of owning physical silver. The following list contains some, but not all, of the reasons to buy tangible silver. Some items on the list […]

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