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There’s Gold in That?

August 19, 2022

Gold is forged in the death of stars. It was sailing around in the gas and dust that created our sun and the planets of our solar system. Once just a theory, scientists finally observed evidence of its formation in August of 2017 when the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detected the remnant cores of […]

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What is “real” money?

November 21, 2019

Throughout recorded history, true money has been defined as a tangible item accepted for exchange and considered to have value. Diverse items ranging from tulip bulbs to seashells to weaponry have been considered money at some point in history. However, none of those items have stood the test of time. Neither have government issued fiat […]

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An Introduction to Buying Gold 101

June 26, 2019

Part 1: Why Own Physical Gold? As opposed to our usual format of discussing a hypothetical scenario, we thought an article along the lines of “An Intro to Gold Buying” might be in order. Both novices and sophisticated investors can benefit from a review of the basics. The following is a list, in no particular […]

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How the Petro-Yuan Will Impact The U.S. Dollar

October 16, 2018

This past March, China launched trading of the yuan-denominated crude oil futures contracts. These are the first futures that have been listed on China’s mainland to overseas investors. Given that China is the largest importer of crude on the planet, Asia Times called the launch of the petro-yuan a “geoeconomic game-changer.” But what does this […]

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Can the World Run Out of Mineable Gold?

November 15, 2017

Hundreds of years ago, early economists were puzzled by a quirk in pricing: why do some non-essential goods cost so much while truly essential goods cost so little? As an example, why are water and grain so cheap when they are so vital for human survival? Why are gold and diamonds so expensive when neither […]

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Jack Kemp and the Gold-Based Dollar

August 22, 2017

Many of you are very familiar with the late Jack Kemp (1935-2009) whether it’s from his several terms as a local Congressman or from his tenure as quarterback for the Buffalo Bills. However, many of you precious metal followers, more specifically you “gold bugs,” are not aware of Mr. Kemp’s keen interest in the yellow […]

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Removing Capital Gains Taxes from Precious Metal Trades

April 07, 2017

Recently lawmakers in Idaho and Arizona have passed bills removing Capital Gains Taxes from transactions involving gold and silver bullion. Normally, when individuals sell gold or silver they must pay capital gains on any increase of the value of their precious metal investments. However, many consider precious metals, especially gold and silver, to be a […]

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The War on Cash: Implications for Gold & Silver

February 28, 2017

Government bureaucrats, central bankers, and Wall Street executives all have reasons for ridding the masses of their cash. It should be no surprise to anyone that they are working together to achieve that goal. But why? The self interest of bureaucrats is one factor, they don’t like privacy. They dream of the day when they […]

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Recommended Viewing: Get It. Got It? Good.

February 28, 2017

Grant Williams’ presentation from Mines & Money in London in December 2016. A follow-up to Nobody Cares which focuses on gold’s performance in 2016, the reaction to Donald Trump’s election and joins a series of dots that may lead to the end of the petrodollar system and a new place for gold in the global […]

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Diversification is the Key to a 21st Century Portfolio

December 21, 2016

It’s no secret that here at Jack Hunt Gold & Silver our focus is on buying and selling precious metals. Being confirmed Capitalists we hope that those who read this consider putting a conservative percentage of their wealth into tangible gold, silver or platinum. However, unlike many financial “advisors,” our non-commissioned brokers will never suggest […]

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